Welcome to
the New Year

In this series we’re exploring the Human Design New Year as an alternative to the Gregorian calendar.

The Human Design New Year starts when the sun moves into Gate 41, but this won’t happen until January 21, 2023! From now until then, the sun will be moving through four gates that precede the initiatory energy of Gate 41.

Follow along and learn how to use these energies to your advantage and take back your New Year.

December 30, 2022 — Gate 38

Today the sun moves into Gate 38, the gate of the fighter and the energy of opposition. This energy is meant for confronting adversity and the preservation of self through opposition to specific detrimental forces, but without direction or discernment it can result in fighting for the sake of the fight.

Instead, we can use this energy to learn about opposition and what it means to resolve it.

*The correct time of transit for 2022 is 9:32pm

Read about the Gate 38 Transit on the Journal