The Human Design New Year—Gate 60
Late last night the sun moved into Gate 60, and we shifted from a mental pressure to an adrenal one. This is the pressure of restraint necessary for energy to mutate into form, but mutation is a process in itself. This gate provides a pulse where, within the spaces, transformation can take place. You may experience the limitations of this process as a restlessness for change, or a melancholy or resignation that you may never see the change. Have patience and trust that even when it feels like things are at rest, there is change happening beneath the surface.
Hexagram 60—Limitation, Self-Limitation echoes this principle that limitations apply to all of existence. It is important to distinguish between true and false limitations. When we work with the IChing, everything is related to the Cosmic Whole and in such humans are equal to every particle in existence as each has its own dignity and consciousness. A true limitation is that which is set by Cosmic Harmony. A false limitation is something that our collective ego employs to divide humans from the Cosmic Whole. Such as our superiority over other species, or our “right” to possess and manipulate nature for our benefit.
When we rejoice in our dependency on the whole, we actually find that our freedom and potential is vast, more than we will ever be able to fully utilize. Our uniqueness is embraced and valued.
If you are feeling frustrated with the world and its seemingly lack of mutation, what are the limitations that you are placing externally? How are these reflected within yourself?