
Practicing embodiment is the process of acknowledging and expressing the physical, bodily elements of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

When we embody something, we give it concrete form, or provide it with a body as expression. Intangible things like thoughts, feelings and beliefs can all be embodied, and quite often we are unaware of what we have and have not given this form and space to.

You can practice embodiment by noticing the sensations within your body as they happen and acknowledging the context of the impulse; this method will help to inform you of the thoughts and beliefs that you are holding about yourself, another person or situation. It is incredibly helpful to practice embodiment while going through transitions in life. Heightening the awareness of your body’s cues through daily check-ins and exercises in bodily mindfulness strengthens your ability to make harmonious decisions for yourself as well as to be adaptable and minimize stress during challenges and conflicts.

Want to know how to tell if you’re not embodied?


How To Tell When You’re Not Practicing Embodiment


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