What is Human Design?

You are more than just your astrology…

The Human Design system is a framework for self-understanding that allows for a deep, intuitive knowledge as an individual as well as in relation to the external world. A comprehensive reading will feel more like being handed a user manual than a prognostication. It does not require one to believe in anything but is most effective in practice. When we align with what is most truthful for our soul and our body, we become healthier, encounter less resistance, and live with purpose.

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences; at the intersection of astrology, the Vedic chakra system, the I Ching, the Kabbalist Tree of Life, biochemistry and quantum mechanics. It was originally downloaded by a man self-named Ra Uru Hu, and made popular through the International Human Design School. More information on Ra can be found at www.jovianarchive.com. In recent years, however, readers have emerged from all manner of backgrounds. Although intricate and sophisticated, the system is a tool that can dramatically change individuals and is meant to be accessible.

A reading is drawn from a birthdate, time, and location, and crossed with a Design date (about 88 days prior). Visualized in what is called the bodygraph or rave mandala, it is similar to an astrological natal chart, but in such fine detail to the extent that it can determine correct eating habits and harmonious geographical environments.

When you book a reading with Honored Body, Alexandra downloads your chart and studies its intricacies to draw out the story of you. During the video call, she will go over this story with you, as well as where certain aspects are located within the chart. This part can be emotional and incredibly validating, to hear someone speak your truths back to you. She may ask questions about your current state and offer techniques and tips to begin embodying your design to alleviate stress and resistance in your life. A natural guide and intuitive seer, Alexandra is here to help you reclaim yourself and support your process with a decade’s worth of experience in movement therapy, embodiment practice, and bodywork. Furthermore, she is a big proponent of self-accountability, therefore she compiles this information into a custom digital booklet, along with resources for further self-study and actionable steps to begin living your design that day.

Questions are always welcome and if you get stumped, please reach out. We also offer Human Design Counsel: a one-hour coaching session for folks who have already had a reading and have been practicing their design or are interested in learning more about how to read charts.




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