The Human Design New Year—Gate 38
As we close out our Gregorian calendar, I’d like to propose an alternative to the pop-cultural idea of the new year. In Human Design, the sun moves through each gate every six or so days, and the beginning of the Human Design year is Gate 41, the gate of the initiating root pressure of desire that drives us toward new experiences. This year, the sun will move into Gate 41 around January 22.
What if instead, we considered it the New Year Season—during which time we can take stock of where we are at, make plans for where we’d like to go, clear out what is no longer serving us, respond to the changes as they happen, and close out the energetic year fully prepared for the new experiences of 2021?
From December 30 until January 5th, the sun will be in Gate 38—the gate of the fighter and the energy of opposition. This energy is the ability to preserve individual integrity through opposition to detrimental forces. It is the discovery of the value of one’s own life, the purpose, through forcefully confronting adversity, with a keynote of fierce independence. It’s no wonder there is so much tension and pressure put on New Year’s Eve. The energy of this gate can lead to the discovery of the value of one’s own life through forcefully confronting adversity. It puts up the wall and is deaf to the voices of others. Release the need to rise up against something solely for the sake of opposition, this tension only fuels itself and results in the inevitable fight. But what are you really fighting for?⠀
Try to use this energy over the next couple days to embrace independence in the discovery of the values you are willing to defend because they make your life worth living.