The Human Design New Year—Gate 54


As our next installment in the Human Design New Year Season, today the sun moves into Gate 54, the gate of the drive to rise up in life. The energy of this gate is ambitious and focused on personal potential. It serves as the drive that usually has us sticking to the old “resolutions” for the first week or so of the new year. 

In the IChing, Hexagram 54—the Marrying Maiden is a metaphor for one who does not believe that everything for a good life is provided through Cosmic harmony and instead sacrifices one’s integrity and avoids personal responsibility to create bargains on “conditional love.” We are warned that applying virtues or rules of behavior in order to achieve the acceptance of others and rewards from life compromises the gifts of our uniqueness. While bargaining in itself is not wholly incorrect, this Hexagram reminds us that each of us in our true nature possess everything that makes us worthy of love, acceptance, and progress.

When you feel the need to put on airs, or be more like someone else in order to gain the rewards you believe them to have, dig deeper into your own unique expression. 

As Mufasa said, “Remember who you are”


The Human Design New Year—Gate 61


The Human Design New Year—Gate 38